6 Natural Beauty Tips for women to beat the summer heat

Vikrant S Dey
3 min readJul 7, 2019

Summer in India can get quite harsh and it brings along with it a whole new package of problems to deal with especially when it comes to skin and body care. It can be especially harder for people with oily skin and everyone is looking for ways to beat those dry patches and sunburns. But what most people don’t realize is that most health care products can be found right in their kitchen counter and they are extremely easy to make. So here are some natural beauty tips to help you beat that harsh summer sun.

  1. Exfoliate your skin: The harsh weather can easily trunk your skin flaky; especially if you spend long hours working outside in the sun. Hence it is advisable to exfoliate your skin to remove all the dry cells and keep your skin smooth and soft. To make your exfoliating pack all you need is whole wheat flower, milk, rose water and honey. Mix these ingredients and apply it to your face. Keep it on for around 15 minutes before you wash it off and your skin will look and feel so much more alive.
  2. Treat the skin around your eyes: The skin surrounding your eyes is extremely fragile and should be treated with utmost care. Try applying coconut oil in that area every night before going to bed and apply using the tips of your ring finger (the pads of your ring finger are the softest and perfect for your delicate under eye skin). The coconut oil being really light gets absorbed very quickly and keeps your skin hydrated.
  3. Keep your skin fresh: There can be nothing better than lemons when it comes to fresh skin. All you need to do is take a lemon peel and gently rub it all over your face. You can also use it on your knees and elbows and everywhere there are dark spots. It will cure everything from pigmentation, dark spots, age spots and blemishes.
  4. Removing tan: A bad tanning experience can be extremely annoying, but with this orange and tomato face pack, it can easily be evened out. All you need is 1 teaspoon milk, 2 spoons oatmeal and 2 tablespoons tomato juice. To this mixture add some orange pulp. Blend well and apply it to your face like a face mask. Leave it on till it dries and when you wash your face, scrub it gently off your face. The scrubbing action will remove all the dead skin, tomato and oranges even out the tan by brightening your skin.
  5. Lip care: In this harsh weather, your lips need as much attention as the rest of your body. To prepare your own lip treatment, you need only sugar and honey. Make the mixture and apply it to your lips. Rub it for a minute and then let it stay for a couple of more minutes and then wash it off with a scrubbing action. The sugar crystals rubbing on your lips will get your blood flowing properly. Also, sugar being hydroscopic will pull all the fluid out and make your lips plump. The honey will soften your lips.
  6. Hair care: All the heat and sweat in this season is very bad for your hair. It weakens the roots and that leads to breakage. So it is very important to apply coconut oil to your hair and scalp. It removes dry skin from your scalp, making your roots stronger and your hair smoother. Avoid shampooing your hair too much because too much shampoo can make your hair dry. And it is advisable to use a conditioner which has coconut oil.

Hence with this list of simple natural beauty tips, there is absolutely no reason why you should not have beautiful glowing skin even in the harsh summers.

